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1937 - Aviation Stories: Soviet Airplane Towards North Pole; Toronto, Ont.; Port Washington, N.Y.

Reel Number: 250001-59

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1937

Country: Canada,Russia,USA,USSR

Location: Moscow,New York,Ontario,Oregon,Port Washington,Portland,Toronto

TC Begins: 01:50:50

TC Ends: 01:52:37

Duration: 00:01:47

1937 - Aviation Stories: Soviet Airplane Towards North Pole; Toronto, Ont.; Port Washington, N.Y. 01:50:58 Men fueling twin engine plane (converted Junkers K-37). CU detail of plane. Pilot Chakalov talking w/ others; loading supplies, engines started & men waving, aircraft takes off on skis. Various Russian VIPs watching take off. 1937; Early Aviation; Distance Record (5,475 miles); Arctic Flight; NOTE: Flight from Moscow to Portland, Oregon by Valery Chkalov, co-pilot Georgiy Baidukov & navigator A. 01:51:27 Title: Toronto, Ont. Lockheed Model 10 Electra twin-engine plane landing past other light planes; bounces heavily on grassy field & taxiis to camera on return of round trip to England by Richard / Dick Merrill & J.S. Lambie (for which they won the Harmon Trophy). Daily Express on airplane nose. 01:51:48 Men shaking hands; three men pose in suits for camera. 01:51:56 Title: Port Washington, N.Y. Four-engine Pan American Airways S-42B Clipper from water w/ hatch open. Pilot Ed Musick & crew into plane. Interior w/ stewards & others in uniforms into cabin & sitting down. 01:52:13 Pilot Ed Musick looking out window. Aerial of amphibious plane taking off; others alongside. Aviation Records; 1937; NOTE: Last story may have been inaugural Transatlantic clipper flight.