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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221669-17
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1938
Country: Egypt
Location: Abdeen Palace,Abdine,Cairo,North Africa
TC Begins: 23:20:28
TC Ends: 23:30:18
Duration: 00:09:50
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1938 ca - Egypt: Egyptian Abdeen Palace & Guards, Cairo Mounted military band playing (MOS) on white horses in front of Abdine / Abdeen Palace. MCU of band leader on horseback leading w/ band behind. MCU soldier playing kettle drums / tympany on horseback. Shot of band playing w/ palace behind. Band turning, riding across large square; people watching from side. Slowly ride past camera. LS across square. 23:22:53 Military guard & officer in MCU; riding out of palace grounds entrance. Band marching out, followed by unit w/ rifles & fixed bayonets. 23:24:04 Riflemen in two lines at attention, present / shoulder rifles. Reviewed. 23:24:39 LS marching w/ marching band in square outside palace. Riflemen march to middle, then split in two directions & some back into palace thru gates, past camera. Horseman w/ unit flag & others ride thru gates. Rider poses in entrance. 23:26:55 MCU of troops at attention. 23:27:08 Palace grounds w/ mosque & tower; guards at attention. Architectural details w/ plants & trees. 23:28:01 LS guards marching onto grounds from square. 23:28:15 LS from above of street, cars parking. Rooftop of domed government building. Ground level & arab pointing out details to European. 23:29:02 MCU of Arab painting or cleaning detail in stone. Large stone w/ five heads carved across top 23:29:18 Guards at post on either side of entrance. Changing of guard. 23:30:09 CU of wrought iron gate details. North Africa; 1930s; Musicians; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: