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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221278-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1947,1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 07:01:01
TC Ends: 07:10:47
Duration: 00:09:46
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title. 07:01:16 Five couples dancing to record player in family room / living room set. Box turn as basis for fox trot & waltz. Decorations like college; guys in sports coats & ties. 07:02:13 MCU & CUs Dance walk w/ guys in one line & girls in another, moving across floor. Showing difference between good posture & bad or slumping. Arms held out w/ palms downward. Couple dances slowly in box pattern & box turn. MCU of boys position. 07:04:02 Animated footprints marked right & left shown doing box pattern. Repeat of boys feet. Girls feet shown; then couple does it. Fox trot demonstrated. 07:05:16 Couple sitting w/ drinking glasses; get up & do fox trot w/ waltz rhythm. CUs of feet. 07:05:50 Animated foot prints of both boy & girl shown. 07:06:07 MS legs of girl dancing alone; then w/ fellow doing fox trot rhythm. More mcu of feet of each boy & girl. Boy leading, each w/ fixed grins. 07:09:48 Couple to phonograph, put on record & others get up, join them in dancing. “Which step is the couple in the center doing...What goes on here...” 07:10:3? The End. Music ends abruptly. Instructional Films; Educational films; Polished shoes; Counting; Oddities; Gags; Dating; 1940s; 1947; Teenagers; Dancers; Dancing; NOTE: Any one continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: