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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280102-11
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Australia
Location: Sydney
TC Begins: 03:27:09
TC Ends: 03:33:45
Duration: 00:06:36
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title: Music - ...lesson in the functions of a Professor Bernard Heinze of Australia. 03:27:28 Sydney Orchestra Symphony Orchestra posing on stage; MCU Sir Bernard Heinze speaks SOF: “Well my young friends, I like to think of the orchestra as a group of instruments divided into families; first the string family, first violins, violas, cellos & the double basses. And secondly, the woodwind family: flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons. Thirdly the brass winds: trumpets, trombones, & tubas. And here are the French horns. I think this is the prettiest family of instruments in the orchestra. And finally we have the percussion family: the tympany, the cymbals, the triangle, the marimba & the xylophone. And all those instruments that are struck w/ a stick or a hammer.” 03:28:55 Various percussion instruments played by orchestra members. 03:29:19 “This section is affectionately called the kitchen. I expect because all the noise comes from there. I once asked a young friend of mine, how would you divide the orchestra, and he said oh, into the scrapers, the blowers, and the bashers. It seems to me you miss half the interest in the orchestra unless you can recognize the voices of the various instruments. Each of the instruments has a character of its own; and its the combination of these various voices that goes to make up this wonderful instrument known as the symphony orchestra. Most of us know what the stringed instruments sound like. Let’s hear a hunting tune from the horns, & the echo will come back to you over the hills. This effect is one of the loveliest sounds the horns can make.” 03:30:17 French horn players stand & play SOF. 03:30:40 “Then there is grandfather bassoon & great-grandfather base bassoon.” They play. 03:31:20 “And now we’ll play for you the woodwind family. An orchestra can imitate almost anything, now I wonder if any of you could tell me what this is supposed to be?” They stand & play Scottish tune. 03:31:45 “And here is a charming Irish tune: ‘Believe me if all those enduring young charms’. We will use it to show you how these groups play separately & then join together as one great family.” 03:32:02 Orchestra play, MCUs of various orchestra sections. 1951; Music Education; Sydney Symphony Conductor; Children; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: