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1951ca Freude schonor Gotterfunben... Festpielesommer In Ostireich R3 of 3

Reel Number: 221738-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950

Country: Austria

Location: Salzburg

TC Begins: 11:38:52

TC Ends: 11:47:28

Duration: 00:08:36

Aerial from cable car of lake & valley. 11:39:09 Montage: street w/ banners hanging, small bus, pedestrians. Banner of street for festival; scenics of buildings spires, pedestrians, sign post: Deutschland; Schweiz; Arlberg. Steam excursion boat leaving w/ tourists. 11:39:27 Montage: stage on lakefront, grandstand seats / bleachers dissolve to filled w/ spectators. 11:39:36 Strauss (?) opera w/ man entering between two lines & singing (SOF, German), audience intercut w/, couple (soprano & tenor) singing separately & together. 11:42:17 LS Fanfare & large cast marching in; MS tenor & chorus singing at foot of castle set in finale. 11:43:14 Setting sun in LS. 11:43:19 Pan from hill across Salzburg & river. MS cars across steel bridge w/ orthodox church steeple behind, LS & MS of clock tower on castle. CUs of other architecture; CU of monument to Beethoven; CU stone emblem of the theater. 11:43:54 Two actors, followed by others (chorus) staggering thru archway of opera set w/ singing. Brief of orchestra. 11:44:32 Concert hall w/ Wilhelm Furtwangler leading small chorus & large orchestra w/ narrator VO, some SOF. Intercut w/ another concert performance (?). 05:47:53 LS scenic pan across Salzburg. 05:47:13 Credits roll. Post-WW2 European Music Festivals; Post-WWII Culture; Society; Performance; NOTE: Produced for Marshall Plan. Users are responsible for clearing any necessary rights.

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