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1952 - Educational Film: Eskimo Hunters - Northwestern Alaska

Reel Number: 221410-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1952

Country: USA

Location: ALASKA,point hope

TC Begins: 18:16:43

TC Ends: 18:35:42

Duration: 00:18:59

Title. Map of Arctic Regions of North America. VO by Eskimo boy. LS Eskimo village w/ snow-covered houses on windswept ice plain, Point Hope on shore of Arctic Ocean. Waves breaking. 18:17:46 Eskimo girls & father looking for fish frozen tossed up on rocky beach. Father shoots seal from a distance & hauls it in by throwing hook on line out to sea; CU seal dragged onto snow. 18:19:11 Sea bird shot & hauled ashore. CU smiling Eskimo girls in fur-trimmed hoods. All walk back to village w/ catch over ice & snow. 18:20:49 INT one-room Eskimo family house; mother cooking on iron stove w/ seal fat fuel. Family eats thawed frozen fish, tear off skin w/ teeth & dip in seal oil. Father puts into water from pebbles in small rowing boat, Umiak, of skins to collect driftwood floating near shore. Family watch in furs & help bring boat in. 18:22:54 INT house - father makes jewelry from ivory of walrus tusks holding drill w/ teeth; mother makes leather shoes. Brother & sister being taught hunting & sewing crafts. Family put on furs & walk to wood siding trading post w/ entrance way. 18:24:55 INT Store - boy gives trader some ancient spears he found to sell to a museum, plus a hatchet he made - father takes out skins. Trader swaps them for bullets, eggs, cloth, etc. 18:26:42 Sea ice. Eskimo family across frozen ice floes. Father & son go hunting caribou, loaded sled pulled by huskies. Mother & daughter wave goodbye; journey, sled passes cemetery of abandoned Eskimo village surrounded by whale bones. Across snow. 18:29:02 SOF Eskimo. Stop to make camp for night w/ snow walls & canvas over sticks. Lighter sled over soft snow to hunt; herd of caribou passes - one shot dead, dragged back & loaded on sled & back to camp. Animal cut up & skinned. SOF Useful parts put on sled & taken back to village. Meat stored on raised rack above snow; puppy curled in snow. Meat taken into house for cooking. Family attends party at meeting hall - children dance as Eskimo elders play traditional music on skin drums (SOF). Husky dog making nest in snow. The End. Extreme Weather; Climate; Environment; Ethnic; Inuit; Ecology; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.

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