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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220516-18
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964,1969s
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: London, Heathrow
TC Begins: 09:36:57
TC Ends: 09:39:13
Duration: 00:02:16
1964 - England, Celebrities: Beatles Return Home. Feb64 Intertitle: Beatlemania! - Uproar Greets Their Return Home 09:37:02 Night, exterior, London airport. Interior, Fans sleeping huddled together on ground, boys & girls. Large beetle puppet with “George, Paul, Ringo, John” and heart. 09:37:18 Dawn over runway. Daylight, LS crowd on top of building, banner “Welcome home boys”. CU girls screaming / waving hysterically, LS. Side of plane “jet clipper Beatles”. Crowd roars. 09:37:31 MS Beatles out of plane, wave & down stairs from plane. 09:37:50 Top shot airfield w/ large crowd of journalists etc. MCU Beatles thru crowd. 09:38:00 Police holding fence, crowd shaking metal barrier. Fainted girl carried by police. Girl carried over metal fence. Airline pilots & crew look from window smiling. 09:38:41 Beatles hustled by police thru crowd. Overhead shots getting into van. Popular Music; 1960s; Fads; Entertainers; Celebrities; Icons; Stereotypes; Teenagers; Performers; Musicians; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. If requested entire reel 09:35:21 - 09:41:35 (3 cards) will be provided at per reel rate.