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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221594-07
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1966,1960s
Country: Croatia,Ukraine,USSR
Location: Kiev,Ksaverovka,Ukraine
TC Begins: 01:02:26
TC Ends: 01:12:21
Duration: 00:09:55
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1966 - Color, Ukraine: This is Your World! R1 of 2 Ukrainian Newsreel And Documentary Film Studios 01:02:53 Mothers walk kids to first school day, various shots of children walking w/ flowers. 01:03:03 Children in arts & crafts club, in the garden make clay figurines, draw pictures, kids on swings. 01:03:48 Ext / Int. Newly opened modern Pioneers club, interior, kids run down stairs, look at children's drawings on walls, CU various drawings & kids. Kids learn drawing & other crafts in art studio, kids make various clay sculptures, teacher gives his advice. 01:04:55 Pioneers dance classes, CU kids dancing in aprons, ties & collars. 01:05:47 Children in classroom, boy in front of class recites poetry (SOF Ukrainian), CU other pupils listen, teacher tells pupils about poetry, children listen to musical poetry played on phonograph, CU kids, record. 01:06:52 Children in library, read, people sign for books, CU book shelves, adults in library choosing books, reading, CU bookshelves. 01:07:58 Ext. Public library of Kiev, traffic passing on street, interior of library, tracking past bookshelves, old books, people at the reading tables. Library hall, pianist playing to the readers at card catalog, CU open reel tape recorder playing, woman puts on earpieces, various shots of big library halls filled w/ readers. 01:09:29 LS St. Sophia cathedral of Kiev is museum. Various shots of cathedrals roof towers, various shots int. cathedral, wall paintings, mosaics, ceiling paintings; icons. 01:10:46 Traffic on road, busy street scene. (good) Ext. Museum of Ukrainian Art, int. people in the art gallery, shots of paintings, sculptures, people looking at art pieces. Color Travelogue; Schools; USSR; Soviet; 1966; 1960s; Daily Life; Art Museum; Culture; Documentary; NOTE: Any continuous on minute sold at per reel rate. Very good color. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: