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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220788-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA
Location: Chicago,Illinois,Lincoln Park
TC Begins: 04:00:11
TC Ends: 04:10:45
Duration: 00:10:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1968 - Color, USA Protests: Chicago Democratic Convention, Hippies, Demonstrators, Army, 25-28Aug68 Pt. 1 of 2 Slate: 25Aug68, Photog, Quiovers. Roll 1. 04:00:20 LS along path towards crowd under trees, casual pedestrians, bicyclists. People sitting & laying on grass. Hippies eating sandwiches on grass. 04:00:51 Group of Blacks playing flutes, drumming on large drums. People walking about. 04:01:11 Stage w/ musical group performing; couple dancing in middle of crowd watching. Well dressed people moving thru crowd. MCU musicians playing guitars seen from rear of stage 04:02:06 Black man teaching young Blacks to play drums, CUs. 04:02:24 White guys, one in Hell’s Angel vest. 04:02:37 Sign: "Free Store" - girl picks up clothing. 04:03:05 Slate: same. R2 Hippies & others walk through park. 04:03:37 Crowd of demonstrators with signs at Conrad Hilton hotel. Sign: Welcome to Chicago. Man carrying Stop The War sign along sidewalk. Leaflets on ground & blowing across sidewalk. 04:04:35 Park picnics. 04:04:41 Slate: 26Aug68. Photog, Quiovers. Garden Plot. Roll 2 (sic). 04:04:44 Army 3rd Corps Artillery Brigade troops set up pup tents in large encampment. 04:06:00 Slate: Camera, Jacobs. Roll 23 04:06:29 LS Military plane taking off overhead. 04:06:58 MS sign: O’Hara Airport beside highway & pan to airplane. 04:07:13 Wide street w/ people stopping traffic, cars turning in distance; LS across park pool / lake. MS pan pond to parked cars, skyscrapers in background. 04:08:57 Slate: same, illegible. Roll 4. 04:09:23 View across parking lot, Conrad Hilton hotel w/ tennis courts in front. Military Operation Garden Plot; Anti-Vietnam War; 1968; Protesters; Protesting; Color; Riot Control; Government Surveillance Footage; Yippies; NOTE: any continuous ten minutes of two cards (04:00:10 - 04:22:31) sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: