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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221761-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970,1970s
Country: USA
Location: California,Los Angeles
TC Begins: 04:27:46
TC Ends: 04:50:37
Duration: 00:22:51
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1970 ca - Color, USA Government Film: The Los Angeles Plan LS across Los Angeles, California neighborhood rooftops; freeway w/ cars passing. 04:28:13 Stills: carpenter, kids, suburban house. 04:28:28 MS Black moderator / narrator Eric Gravatt seated in woven wicker chair, pillows on floor talking to camera about Black minority businessman in construction. Black business man walking past his secretary in office, goes to desk & looks at papers. 04:29:03 Montage of stills of Blacks & Whites w/ talking about contractors losing out on contracts due to lack of bonding & information on projects. 04:30:22 Narrator: “Simple problem, lack of opportunity...” Stills photographs of government officials working & meeting w/ minority contractors. Talks of Los Angeles Plan & HUD setting aside contract money for construction of low-income housing & other government contracts by minority contractors. Job site photographs & presenter / narrator. Ray Watt, builder, David Lockhart; CUs; home owners & child photographs & exteriors. 04:45:25 Narrator: “So far so good” Builders looking at plans under tree, on car hood. Stills: exterior of house under construction nearing completion. Group of Black architects; Black & Brown Lawyers. 04:47:44 Narrator: “What of the future? HUD has published...” 04:49:44 End credits. Ethnic Opportunities; Economics; Economy; Performance Bonding; Building Insurance; USA Federal Government Programs; Small Businesses; Housing & Urban Development Agency; 1960s; 1970s; Great Society Program; Housing Industry; Affirmative Action; Black Power; Community Control; Ethnic Partnerships; Hispanics; Minority Housing Goals Program; NOTE: Any portion or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: Music rights must be cleared. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: