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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221494-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1971
Country: USA
Location: Colorado
TC Begins: 07:43:49
TC Ends: 07:57:28
Duration: 00:13:39
1971 - Color: Rocky Mountains, San Juan Mountains & Durango, Colorado Area Fishing Pt. 2 of 2 Gatemouth Brown playing guitar (MOS) framed in ruins w/ mountains behind. 07:47:15 Man working on weather station in hillside field, climbs down ladder. CU opening door & checking w/ test gear on station; tall antenna above w/ guy wires & directional antenna in MCU. Tilt down to base & man working; climbing ladder on nearby weather station & CUs working. Dials & heater w/ steam coming out. Propane tank mounted on base, pan over to antenna. 07:50:22 LS from above w/ canyon beyond. Tilt up to clouds. 07:50:48 LS of mountain ridge, tilt down to valley & community or town w/ river thru middle. LS of industrial area from above. 07:51:49 Man w/o shirt looking up, testing guy wires. Grass meadow. Helicopter coming over trees & descending w/ antenna. Hovers & lays antenna down; helicopter leaves, turns & lands in large meadow. MCU w/ three men in helicopter, fourth man on ground. Pilot lifts off, man runs out & hooks up cable from antenna & lifting large control box & moving over to base of antenna. Helicopter lands. LS men working on control box. Weather station seen from antenna showing large propane tank & other parts; large empty forested valley beyond. 07:57:15 Ranch in valley w/ mountains beyond, cattle grazing. GOOD. Natural Beauty; Ecology; Environment; Geology; Geological Formations; Geology; Recreation; Instruments; Construction; Assembly; Blues Musician;