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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221520-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1976
Country: USA
Location: California
TC Begins: 15:01:15
TC Ends: 15:25:34
Duration: 00:24:19
Montage of sail boats, pleasure boats, cabin cruisers, recreational fishing boats, speedboats, outboard boats. Catamaran, small girl fishing, looking at maps, teenagers on boat. Recreational boats past houses along water. 15:03:30 Husband, wife & son along dock to boat. Son teasing mother about having taken Coast Guard boating course. Husband taking picture, argues w/ wife over checklist as they put things on boat. 15:05:42 Wife into seat & getting ready to take the boat out. Checking out hatch for gas fumes before going out. CU throttle pushed, leaving slowly past dock. Swish pan... 15:07:10 Outboard on trailer being backed up. Two couples (Black & White) getting boat ready for launching; slide outboard into water. Looking for checklist, looking at life jackets, fire extinguisher, first aid kit. Women helped aboard. Outboard checked & leaving dock. Couples laughing, find they are out of gas & paddle to gas pump. 15:10:52 Couple on larger boat approaching dock to gas up; check oil. Hose into gas tank, CU of gas pump. 15:11:59 People paddling to pump. Fill gas can, hand it into boat. Leave dock but rope still attached. 15:13:29 Two couple in outboard, swerving, talking. 15:14:04 Family in cruiser; CU wife. POV of boat. Under low bridge see from boat & bridge. Makers & buoys. Diver in water. 15:15:20 Couples in outboard, go aground. 15:15:40 Family slowly past houses; boy takes wheel. POV. Practice stopping. CU hand on throttles. Practicing tight turns. 15:17:22 Frustrated fellow in grounded outboard. Raising motor, pushing w/ paddles. Woman waves to family to pull them off w/ line. Motor won’t start; get it going. People wave thanks. Large boat passing. 15:20:46 Outboard into sandy beach & couples getting waterskis. Black couple picking up shells. Guy goes w/ White couple waterskiing. Girl falls. 15:22:01 Family anchoring off houses in cove; lower anchor & back away. Outboard heading home, approaches dock; boat on trailer leaving. 15:23:46 Couple paddling canoe. Others on sailboats & cabin cruisers of various sizes. Credits. Boating Safety; Instructional Film; Government Coast Guard; Leisure Time; Middle Class; Wealth; 1976; Documentary; 1970s; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes to be sold for per reel rate. User responsible for clearing music rights - if any.