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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250058-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1979,1970s
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 18:24:12
TC Ends: 18:41:08
Duration: 00:16:56
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1979 - President Carter, Israel & Egypt Peace Treaty Signing w/ Sadat & Begin, 26Mar79. Table set up on riser outside White House w/ US, Egyptian & Israeli flags behind, Presidents & Prime Minister announced & stand acknowledging applause, sit w/ President Carter between. Stand for anthems of Egypt, Israel & USA. 18:29:06 Woman announces signing of Treaty of Peace... 18:29:44 Sadat, Begin sign w/ Carter witnessing & signing. Carter shakes hands w/ each. 18:31:11 Woman: “Next...signing letter to Carter recording agreements between Egypt & Israel concerning future negotiations implementing the Camp David framework.” They sign. 18:31:55 Woman: “Now, President Sadat & Prime Minister will sign three copies of the Treaty of Peace, in English, Arabic & Hebrew.” They sign, and music begins in background. 18:34:04 Woman: “Finally, President Carter, on behalf of the people of the United States will conclude this historic ceremony by signing the Treaty of Peace as a witness to the signatures...” applause. 18:35:?? Carter suggests they have a handshake & all do so as spectators stand. All sit back down. 18:35:46 Carter takes out notes: “During the past thirty years Israel & Egypt have waged war. But for the past sixteen months, these same two great nations have waged peace....the soil of the two lands is not drenched w/ young blood. The countrysides of both lands are free from the litter & the carnage...” 18:39:00 “We have no illusions. Dreams & prayers yes, but no illusions... We must now demonstrate the advantages of peace... 18:39:59 Sadat: “This is one of the happiest moments in my life. It is a historic turning point of great significance for all peace-loving nations... (Incomplete). Middle East; Camp David Conclusions; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: