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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220574-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1919
Country: USA
TC Begins: 03:02:35
TC Ends: 03:04:04
Duration: 00:01:29
Animal Act with Baboon, Dog and Mule Spanuth’s Original Vod-A-Vil Movies CU baboon seated on stage on stool playing violin. With rope onto neck collar smiles & catches cat. Plays w/ it while standing in front of painted backdrop between trainer (Spanuth?) and mule. Baboon roller-skates around stage on leash held by trainer, walks on hands, balances on ball down teeter-totter. 03:03:11 Women in glittery dress & high-heeled boots does trick w/ dog walking thru her legs. She twirls jump rope w/ baboon holding other end as dog jumps it. 03:03:23 Baboon rides bicycle in circle while trainer holds rope. 03:03:27 Baboon leads mule or donkey, man tries to ride & bucked off. Boy tries and mules pushes & kicks him. Baboon pushes mule. Musical Hall Acts; Vaudeville Acts; Entertainment; Trained Animals; ca 1919; 1910s;