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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221159-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1973
Country: USSR
Location: Krim
TC Begins: 21:11:07
TC Ends: 21:21:10
Duration: 00:10:03
Artek Pt. 1 of 2 Biggest Russian International Pioneer Camp. Map w/ Artek camp’s location. Krim, seaside camp on shore, boy plays trumpet or bugle. Stadium filled w/ people as Pioneers march w/ various country flags, saluting. Pioneesr pass torch to one another, young runner w/ torch, CU Pioneers of various nationalities. (21:12:41) Still photos of first Artek camp, 4 buildings that could accommodate 85 children, line of pioneers. 21:12:54 Artek is now Pioneer city w/ 5000 children. Shots of young Pioneer lines; leaders on podium, kids applaud. Camp houses, CU 2 boys , one Russian, other Colombian exchange their pioneer badges & hats, hug. Russian boy tells (SOF) that it’s 1st time in camp, how impressed he is, speaks of seeing sea for the 1st time, shot of coast. Boy tells of friendship between kids of all 60 nationalies in the camp, high angle kids on the sea side. (21:14:26) Children's band on beach in swimming suits, play music instruments standing in water; kids sit in sand, girls laugh, children play in the water, swim, try water gymnastic, teach each other how to swim, sunbathe. Boys build pyramid from stones, all nationality kids play together. 21:15:19 Orchestra boys play & slowly come out of sea, shot of boy dressed up as devil, boys dress up as pirates. Boats w/ kids in King Neptune costumes arrive on beach, other kids greet them, King of Sea in front of boat, children bring Pioneer leader in front of King, then pick him up and carry in to water. African boy interviews man, shots of various games, kids in costumes, laugh, carry kids into water, many smiling faces. 21:16:47 Gulls fly over, Various nationality children take off their Pioneer neckerchiefs, place them on ground next to each other to make big colorful flag, CU various neckerchiefs sewed together. 21:18:18 Kids on terrace, drummer, pioneers pull up new flag on pole, kids salute. Pioneers walk on road, all hold hands on each others shoulders, sing. (21:18:59) Young Colombian Pioneer Edgar speaks at camera (SOF) w/ Russian translation over, tells about his country, shots of Colombian pioneers parade, speaks about poverty in his country & kids working to survive. Edgar takes off neckerchief & explains meaning of each corner. 21:19:51 View from above, rocky coast. Evening, Pioneerst around bonfire on beach, Young pioneer Edgar very dramatically reads out Umberto Krdi(?) poetry about Chile, CU kids listen, applaud, shots of children around the bonfire, CU fire. End: 21:21:10