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Ballad of Daghestan Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221190-06

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: Russia,Turkey,USSR

Location: Dagestan,Daghestan,Kumuk

TC Begins: 03:49:16

TC Ends: 03:59:38

Duration: 00:10:22

Ballad of Daghestan Pt. 2 of 2 WWII USSR military, Soviet man fires flare w/ pistol in air. 1942 paratroops board plane; night sky shots. Parachute jump behind enemy line seen from in plane, from ground. 25Sep45 Jumped from approx. 30,000 ft. Then another jump from balloon, Amentaev’s last jump, Conductor & his grave stone. 03:51:25 Soviet hero Anet Konsultan monument. Shot down 49 planes in WWII. Anet prepares for flight as test pilot. Plane in air. 03:52:42 Sons & relatives performing as circus acrobats on highwire. Woman also performs on tight wire dancing & twirling rings. Balancing act on highwire. Man plays traditional reed flute, others join in w/ drummer. 03:55:24 Still pictures of artist on trips to different countries. Memories in pictures. Including Duke Ellington & other jazz musicians? CU bell ringing. Conductor in front of orchestra on large stone porch. May be incomplete. Kymuk; Ethnic; USSR; Russia; Aviation - Early; Autobiography; WWII Heroes;

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