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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220809-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1937
Country: USA
Location: Cape Cod,Gloucester,Marblehead,Massachussetts,Quincy,Springfield,Watertown
TC Begins: 14:54:46
TC Ends: 15:05:07
Duration: 00:10:21
A Better Massachusetts Depression montage, signs, chimneys, unemployed. Men getting handouts; going through trash, sleep in doorways, food lines. 14:55:38 Whistle & men to work digging, picks, smoke stacks working again. Family w/ kids, milk, groceries, kids playground. Scaffolding, chimneys w/ smoke. 14:56:28 Map. Springfield - work on cross town boulevard. Roadworks. Large concrete pipes laid 14:56:54 Boston - golf course, construction of club house. Building new gymnasium in New Bedford. 14:57:14 Men working on secondary country roads. 14:57:25 Worcester - garment workers, industrial sewing rooms, women at sewing machines make clothes for poor. Federal art project restoring paintings. 14:57:52 Gloucester harbor, artists painting in sun on docks. Boats. 14:58:18 Recreation, leisure activities in park. Greenfield Municipal swimming pool. swimming & diving. 15:58:51 Young boys boxing & wrestling, other kids watching. Model building class. 14:59:25 Public Safety - woman using simulator of driving wheel. Roads, safety islands for pedestrians. Streets. Improvement work on Park Street transfer subway &/or elevated station in Boston. Men with pneumatic drill. 15:00:05 Man working on granite w/ cleaning suction drill - commentary re silicosis danger. 15:00:33 Coastguard Station at Sandwich on Cape Cod. Demonstration of emergency callout, rescue drill w/ breeches buoy. 15:01:24 Education - Public nursing projects. Mother sits wi/ baby on knee as nurse bathes another baby in bath on table. Home nurse giving baby quick checkover. 15:02:02 National Youth Administration - office scenes. POV from boat as approaches dock in Gloucester. Project re breeding of fish & restocking fishing grounds. 15:02:36 Perkins Institution for the Blind in Watertown. Int. men making braille maps. MCUs. Blind people proofreading maps. 15:03:13 Free music lessons - young White girl playing piano. Black girls watch black girl playing piano as Black teacher watches. All white Boston harmonica band, plays Swanee River. 15:04:18 South Boston Nursery school. Kids eat, play on climbing frames, washing up, taking cod liver oil. 15:05:52 Children having nap on cots. The End. 1937; 1930s; Federal Government Works Progress Administration; WPA; Unemployment; Back To Work;