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Blind Fiddler, The

Reel Number: 220888-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: N/A

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:32:22

TC Ends: 06:46:12

Duration: 00:13:50

The Blind Fiddler Conquest Pictures Naturalistic set In an old world village, grave or monument with Celtic cross, chicken. Children catch blind fiddler as he comes out of his hut w/ thatched roof; cling to him until he plays an Irish dance, dancing. Fiddler’s wife in bonnet chases children & brings him inside house. Blind fiddler wishes he could one day see his wife. TITLE: “One day, a good fairy heard his prayer” A fairy at a well. Blind man in woods starts playing fiddle. Fairy peeks from behind tree, eventually arrives w/ other fairies who dance. Fairy asks fiddler why there is sadness in his music (TITLE) & gives him sight. On his way back home, first thing he sees is a man kicking his dog. TITLE: ‘And somehow his violin lost its haunting, almost human witchery”. In the village, he plays fiddle to kids who all walk off; two stick out their tongues at him. His wife despairs. Fairy Tale; Folk Myth; 1900s; Narrative; Primitive Motion Picture; Movie;

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