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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220949-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: USA
TC Begins: 20:56:20
TC Ends: 20:59:06
Duration: 00:02:46
Broom And Pan Soundies 2143-1-2 w/ Gigi Pierson & Ivan Scott & His Orchestra SOUNDIES ARE PD. MUSIC RIGHTS MUST BE CLEARED! Gigi Pierson in cocktail dress sings ‘Broom and Pan’ accompanied by Ivan Scott and his Orchestra; CU Pierson singing to drummer; trumpet solo. MS Scott conducting orchestra behind glittery banners, dissolves into LS of male & female dancers in top hat and tails - some Black?; dissolves back to orchestra. Dancers dressed as French maids w/ short skirts & brooms perform cocquettish number. MCU Pierson singing; drummer mugging for camera; WS orchestra. Optical fades & wipes used. Tacky / kitsch; Oddities; Big Band; Special Effects; Wipes; Chorus Girls Dancing; Flipped as per original