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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220772-16
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1931
Country: AT Sea,USA
Location: New York,NYC
TC Begins: 07:48:32
TC Ends: 07:58:34
Duration: 00:10:02
By Way of Panama - Over Sapphire Seas A Panama Pacific liner travels from New York City to San Francisco. The liner leaves New York. Shows shopping facilities, social activities, etc. NYC skyline. Crowds watch ship leaving harbour. Captain & others look through navigating instruments. Captain in cabin. Man points trajectory on old-fashioned map. Woman exercises with weight machine. Callisthenics on deck. Breakfast in bed. Buying luxury underwear or perfume. Volleyball. Kids on rocking horses and play area; musical chairs; pantomime; children given sandwiches. Table tennis . People lounging on deck chairs served by staff. Croquet or curling? Frisbee. Swimming contest, underwater swimming & lesson. 07:54:54 Restaurant. Kitchen & preparing meat; baking, cakes. Restaurant scenes, elaborate dishes presented to diners. Fancy dress ball with racial theme: guests blacked up as Africans, Mexicans. Piano recital and singing. Ship sails on.