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Cake Walk

Reel Number: 220574-33

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1900

Country: USA

Location: Philadelphia, Pennsyvlania

TC Begins: 03:43:51

TC Ends: 03:44:16

Duration: 00:00:25

Cake Walk The Americus Quartet. Two black men & two black women and a single black man dance against a white backdrop. The men are in suits and bow ties, the women in long, elegant dresses. The black man in the center holds a cane. He moves towards the camera and perform a dance step, they round in a circle and perform a strutting type of Cake Walk dance. Oddities; Musical Hall Acts; Vaudeville Acts; Entertainment; Primitive Cinema; Ethnic; Negroes; African-Americans;

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