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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220574-16
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1900
Country: USA
Location: Roof studio
TC Begins: 03:23:50
TC Ends: 03:24:38
Duration: 00:00:48
Chimmie Hicks At The Races Charles E. Grapewin as Hicks, a man in business suit, hat and overcoat on a bare stage in front of black backdrop pantomimes excitedly watching a horse race. An associate in the act walks in & hands him a wad of money. The man makes another bet, excitedly watches the race but this time loses everything. He gives the money to the bookmaker along w/ his watch, drops to his knees tearing up his tickets & gestures cursing & shaking fist in despair. Bookie; Betting; Musical Hall Acts; Vaudeville Acts; Entertainment; Primitive Cinema