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Chimney Sweep and the Miller, The

Reel Number: 220574-17

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1900

Country: USA

Location: Roof studio

TC Begins: 03:24:56

TC Ends: 03:25:27

Duration: 00:00:31

The Chimney Sweep and the Miller Two men cross from opposite sides in front of painted backdrop of a forest. Each carrys a bag, one dressed entirely in white w/ a white sack & the other entirely in black, dirty clothes (a chimney sweep) w/ a black bag. They start to fight flailing the bag of white flour & the bag of chimney soot. Clouds of white and black powder alternate filling the screen. Musical Hall Acts; Vaudeville Acts; Entertainment; Cinematic Effects; Primitive Cinema

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