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Day With Thomas A. Edison, A Reels 1 & 2

Reel Number: 220888-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1920

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:00:01

TC Ends: 06:23:43

Duration: 00:23:42

Day With Thomas A. Edison, A (2 reels) Edison Collection General Electric Company presents, Bray Productions, Inc. Portrait of Edison Exterior, Edison home. Edison gets into car. Exterior of laboratories and factory. Edison punches time clock, smoking cigar. Sits at desk, assistants scream in his ear, consult and discuss matters with him. Visits his secretary Mr. Meadowcroft. 06:07:52 John W. Lieb, Vice-President of the New York Edison Company, John W. Howell, Chief Engineer of the Edison Lamp Works of General Electric Company. 06:09:01 Edison visits factory w/ Vice-President and Manager of Works, glass filament manufacturing. CU of machines making various parts of lamps. 06:17:45 Packaging of light bulbs. Edison in lab conducting experiments. Watches the test of packing case. The crate is meant to protect a phonograph. It is dropped from a small waist-height platform repeatedly in front of about 30 spectators. A bag containing phonograph records is also tested, thrown off lorry / truck. Edison goes to music room to listen to piano played by young lady. “Punches out” with time clock and rides home. Inventors; Inventions; Manufacturing; Celebrities; NOTE: Any continuous 11 minutes sold at per reel rate.

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