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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221486-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 17:15:08
TC Ends: 17:29:32
Duration: 00:14:24
Demonstrations - Vietnam War Moratorium March, Washington DC 15Oct69 MCU marchers w/ Calvinist For Peace placard, others across mall w/ US flags,etc. View toward White House across Ellipse w/ rows of buses parked,people walking. People standing & cameras & sitting on top of private bus, Washington Monument behind. Couple in coats & blanket sitting on empty mall. 17:15:53 Packed crowd on mall; surrounding Washington Monument, applauding. Speakers platform w/ George McGovern at microphone. 17:16:23 Pete Seeger & Black man singing; Mitch Miller singing beside them. Others. 17:16:58 VIPs in suits. Doctor Spock in black suit. Spock signing autograph. Others singing & swaying to music. Coretta King at microphone. 17:17:53 Marchers on avenue w/ placards Impudent Snobs for Peace, etc. flags, cameras & many buttons past camera. 17:21:14 Tilt down Washington Monument & crowd at base, many people walking past. MSs Seated crowd from high angle. Applauding & chanting. 17:22:16 Men on stage w/ Stop The Trials placards, handing out to crowd. 17:22:30 Large crowd on mall; man on cross as though crucified. 17:22:53--17:22:54 leader 17:22:55 Marchers along sidewalk w/ pedestrians w/ names of dead. 17:23:33 Monitor on radio. People away from camera on sidewalk along Pennsylvania Avenue. Police line & people on sidewalk outside Justice Department (?). MS of cameraman on top of light. Photographers. CU woman on light fixture. 17:25:00 Free All Political Prisoners poster. People walking up to Capitol Hill. 17:25:48 Massive crowd on mall; hands w/ V-sign in air. 17:26:16 Crowd in street outside Justice Department w/ police; CU sign. People standing around. Marching w/ Stop The Trial placards down avenue; large Spiro Agnew puppet figue. 17:27:24 Washington Monument against blue sky, tilt down to massive crowd; crowd singing. 17:28:29 Marchers past Justice Department. W/ Vietnam flag. Broken window. Knocking on large metal doors w/ ring knocker. Tear gas & crowd moving back. Yelling at door of Justice Department. Anti-Vietnam War Protest; 1969; 1960s; Hippies; Demonstration; Demonstrators; Americanism;