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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221760-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: USA
Location: California,San Francisco
TC Begins: 02:16:02
TC Ends: 02:31:05
Duration: 00:15:03
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Pt. 2 of 5 Continued... Bottles of liquor. Salesmen drinking; couple dancing, Frank introduced & begins dancing rhumba. Women decide they have to go out on town. 02:17:45 Jazz poster for Fisherman Club, Black musicians in quintette w/ saxophone, trumpet, bass, piano & drums in crowded night club & blonde wife leaning on Frank’s shoulder w/ husband getting mad. Woman: “Cool, cool, really cool!” MS of jazz band playing fast, sweaty; crowd responding. CU of sax player. drummer, trumpet player, pianist. 02:19:54 Dancers bumping into Frank & woman. Frank gets up. Psychopath in scarf sits at bar. Band takes bow. Frank sits at bar; spots a blonde. Bartender: “She’s jive means she goes for this stuff...they’re music, I like Guy Lombardo.” Guy on next stool into music, & out of it. Frank sits down next to blonde & buys her drink. Psycho switches glass w/ Frank’s & bartender brings it to him. Blonde gives phone number to Frank & he leaves. 02:23:18 Ext. The Fisherman, Frank gets into cab, back at hotel room & has flowers from Paula. Tears up phone number. 02:24:12 Frank wakes w/ hangover, calls room service, arrives w/ Bloody Mary, Frank sends it back, can’t stand sight of it. 02:26:03 Ext. daytime under St. Francis awning, pedestrians. Cable car past, uphill & people hopping off. Frank walking. CU sign: Medical Building. Crosses street. Doctor looking at X-ray, says he’s okay; checks his throat. Nurse watches him put his coat on. 02:27:54 Second doctor into office; question him, then tell him he has toxic material in his body that attacks vital organs. “Your system has already absorbed a sufficient quantity to prove fatal...there is no antidote.” Given a day to live. Frank: “I think you’re crazy, that’s it! The both of you, you’re crazy! 02:29:46 Ext. Southern Pacific Hospital. Frank runs up steps, runs into Emergency room & restrained by two nurses. Doctor grabs him, agrees to examine him. Frank waiting, doctor in holding test tube: “Yeah, you’ve got it all right. Your system’s already absorbed it.” Test tube shown to glow in the dark. Continued... Feature Film; Hollywood Production; Mystery; Beautiful Women; Dialogue; Love Interests; Alcohol; Traveling Salesmen; Americana Fiction; Myth; Stereotypes; 1950s; Beatniks; Medicine; Medical; Hospitals; Film Noir; Crime; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: