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Go to HomepageReel Number: 900003-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968-1979
Country: Vietnam
TC Begins: 05:01:25
TC Ends: 05:23:25
Duration: 00:22:00
Ecocide: A Strategy of War Credits. 05:02;23 Sound FX of gun fire & battle over titles. Ox cart, rural Vietnam, daily Vietnamese village life, farming. 05:02:46 PoV planes spray Agent Orange & herbicides. People in rice paddy, on river. CU Laughing, smiling children. Destroyed war equipment beside road. Large Huey helicopter landing at airport. AV Countryside forest & farmland. POV planes spraying. Small helicopter in flight & POV of burned areas. Village w/ bamboo huts on stilts. Bombed French church, destroyed concrete bridge & buildings. 05:06:10 POV Urban Saigon w/ bikes, pedicabs, cars, smog, motorcycles. Billboards, two call girls on street. 05:06:40 Village woman re bombing. Peasants plow w/ oxen in rice paddy. Harvest rice; vegetable market. Men & women fish in ponds & on river. Washing eel. AV fish ponds. Man harvests latex sap. 05:09:09 B-52 taking off, drop bombs. AV of bomb craters & river & roads. Man into water filled crater; breeding spot for mosquitoes. Rural life, farming. Aerial & ground view of extremely large craters. 05:12:02 Dropping daisy cutter bomb (BLU-82B) or “explosive bulldozer”, explosion & aftermath; no crater but a 100 yard helicopter landing zone. Views of bomb effects on logging industry w/ large log trucks, shrapnel damaged logs rotting. Sawmill & broken blades from metal in logs. 05:15:18 D-7 Caterpillar bulldozers w/ special plow blades made in Rome, Georgia for felling forest trees. Aerial of denuded 12,000 square miles of vegetation via the Rome plow program. VS Rome plows at work. Aerial of reforesting; view of sword grass; natives. 05:17:17 CU spraying arm on plane & planes & helicopters spray herbicide. AV of dead & rotting trees. GV defoliated mangrove forest. Man examining tree fruit & other defoliation. Planes spraying. AV Vietnam countryside & destruction. 05:19:51 Stills of 1975 US leaving Vietnam. Vietnam rebuilding efforts in late 1970s. People work w/ water & on sand banks. Field with unexploded bombs. CUs. 05:21:34 Urban shots of Saigon c. late 1970s. Hospital with NVA flag. Woman handling song bird. Music & dancing in village as children watch. Abrupt end. Vietnam War Aftermath; Peasants; Ecology; Ecological Destruction; Health Hazards;