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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221240-28
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942
Country: USA
TC Begins: 15:13:05
TC Ends: 15:16:06
Duration: 00:03:01
Ella (”Ela-E”) w/ Nino and Lenora & Noro Morales & His Orchestra Minoco Prods. SOUNDIES ARE PD. MUSIC RIGHTS MUST BE CLEARED! Women dressed in various Hispanic outfits (Mexican, Cuban, Spanish) dance in ranch or pueblo seting as Noro Morales & his Orchestra play instrumental number in Mexican hats; dancers conga or rhumba around couples seated at tables & wave baskets of fruit; CU women’s legs. ‘Nino and Lenora’ perform bizarre rhumba-type dance in frilly costumes. Drunk at bar teases couple at table; sprays soda syphon (seltzer bottle) at woman; she then sprays herself & turns it on him. Tacky / kitsch; Oddities; Musical Number; Bizarre; Ethnic Stereotypes;