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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221209-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1961
Country: USA
TC Begins: 02:27:53
TC Ends: 02:42:21
Duration: 00:14:28
Emergency Childbirth Pt. 1 of 2 US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) Public Health Service in cooperation w/ the Office of Civil Defense. Medical Self-Help Training series Rolling title stresses purpose of film is to show what to do in an emergency situation where no doctor available. 02:28:48 Woman in final stages of labor in darkened room w/ overblown romantic music. CU woman grimacing at contractions; female at foot of bed; women grasp hands; dab forehead w/ cold cloth; funny shot of friend sticking two fingers up at father to indicate contractions, mouthing words to one another due to lack of dialogue; “many of us are never privileged to witness the birth of a baby”. 02:29:58 Narrator tells what to do when delivering baby in “emergency situation”. Father washes hands & arms. CU mother on bed w/ strangely-shaped bump; cut to various diagrams of baby inside - vagina, uterus, umbilical cord etc. labeled - development of baby & nourishment from placenta - animation of baby starting to push through birth canal. 02:34:00 Cut back to delivery room; friend reassures mother & looks for blankets - lines cardboard box for makeshift crib. Birth seems to be taking place in a dingy storeroom from a horror film set. CU mother grimacing. VERY GRAPHIC CUs blood coming out of vagina & head of baby beginning to push through; cutaways to father looking down; father guides head out of vagina; CU mother’s face - VO “tell her to pant like a dog”. Father holds baby up; animation shows how to encourage baby’s breathing - artificial respiration. Sterilizing scissors; father washes hands again. Pregnancy; Maternity Danger / Risk; Complications; Live Birth; Midwife; 1960s;1961; Midwives; Educational Films;