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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221630-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1955
Country: USA
Location: California,Santa Clara
TC Begins: 01:27:13
TC Ends: 01:47:22
Duration: 00:20:09
Fundamental Skills In A Unit Of Work: How Man Preserves His Records 01:27:21 Main title 01:27:50 CU Textbooks; MS female teacher beside desk & books. Three boys into class w/ things that are records in home life: stamp album, camera & photograph album; boys play w/ yo-yo. Girls looking at pictures. 01:28:33 Students in front of class showing their items. Group of students in sixth grade class working on projects. Kids making slides, use overhead projector. Boy gives report & shows exhibit of photographic equipment; projector shown. 01:30:50 Teacher w/ movie camera planning filming using English text book. 01:31:17 Students walking thru pasture w/ cows & calves; setting up tripod. 01:31:46 Teacher & students using tape recorder. Poppies passed out & students talk about their reaction & sensation of touch. Teacher passing out cards to students; practising spelling & using prefix & suffix; answer questions. 01:34:03 Girl reads report to class. Students filing data. Large wall map of Santa Clara, California valley. 01:34:56 Student sets up screen & projects first hundred feet of film that came back. Students w/ farmer & fruit; walking thru cherry orchard, people picking & sorting. 01:37:09 Students w/ tape measures; plot out structure of film on blackboard. 01:38:21 Students at desks w/ books. LS students & teacher discussing making animated film. 01:39:49 CU candy bar & ants on desk. 01:40:01 Woman at desk making notes from phone call; teacher comes & talks to her; selects film strip & motion picture from audio-visual library. Students in school library checking card catalog. Students reading, talking. Students looking at termite colony. 01:42:10 Boy & father working in garden; looking at aphids using magnifying glass. Ant hill disturbed. Teacher at board developing aspects of script. Leads girls playing violins as others paint a watercolor background. Kids in costumes. Music practiced; notes drawn. 01:45:25 CUs of girls & boys: smiling, talking, thinking. 01:45:57 Teacher discussing students w/ parent. 01:46:28 Scenery put up; costumed students acting out play. & story & film given to superintendent. The End. Educational Instructional Films; Junior High School Classroom Projects; 1950s; 1955;