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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221302-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: USA
TC Begins: 13:36:19
TC Ends: 13:39:18
Duration: 00:02:59
Georgie Porgy With Patty Lacey & Ray Hirsch SOUNDIES ARE PD. MUSIC RIGHTS MUST BE CLEARED! Girl w/ long eyelashes in living room w/ book, imagines man in car (superimposed); CU starts to sing “Georgie Porgy Pudding and Pie”; women get dressed, woman’s silhouette thru shower door; woman at piano, both get up & run to see Ray Hirsch? pull up in car. Various women rush to window. Some meet him at door. 13:37:56 Women rush down stairs to greet him. Patty Lacey? slides down bannister into man’s arms; various shots of couple jive / jitterbug dancing in lounge inc. CUs; couple jump over one another. Black maid in uniform dances in kitchen. Acrobatic dancing. Other couples dance. Tacky / kitsch. Sweater girls; pinups; Fashion; Erotica; Ethnic Stereotyping; College Students;