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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221442-33
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1941
Country: USA
Location: Hampton,Virginia
TC Begins: 11:12:09
TC Ends: 11:20:17
Duration: 00:08:08
Hampton Institute Outtakes R11 of 15 Black children entering small multi-room school house. Int. w/ kids & teacher reading, playing or building cardboard houses. Teacher helping. 11:13:08 Campus building w/ students walking past. Boy in library checking out books; young girl talking w/ librarian (?) at card catalog. 11:13:56 Woman w/ rolling pin at counter rolling dough & putting into baking tin. 11:14:15 Ext. Woman behind table w/ canned goods giving lesson on canning to old & young women. Pressure cooker demonstrated. 11:15:40 Women in white uniforms (nurses?) at blackboard listing figures. 11:16:15 CU hand pushing doorbell, multiple takes. Black woman opens door & greets woman who enters. Girl in living room stands up, shakes hands. They sit on couch in front of radio, talking. 11:17:09 Three Black women, one White sitting at table, Black maid in uniform brings cookies. Maid setting table; two women working in kitchen placing food on service dishes. 11:18:02 Kindergarten w/ four children on musical instruments led by teacher w/ triangle. 11:18:55 Young girl painting w/ watercolors, another plays at dolls house. Three kids at table w/ teacher, fourth brings drinks. College; Education; Students; 1940s; 1941;