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Here Is China R3 of 3

Reel Number: 221583-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: China

Location: Chungking,Yunnan

TC Begins: 11:58:01

TC Ends: 12:06:31

Duration: 00:08:30

Here Is China R3 of 3 Continued... Homes, newly constructed residential apartments; department store & shopping. Fashion models & cloth, buying dress, escalator in store. 11:58:25 Public health nurses treating young children. Nationalist flags & teacher, classes. Women at blackboard & children at desk outdoors gesturing shape of characters to learn writing. CUs. Martial arts training of boys in uniforms in street w/ wooden swords. 11:59:29 Large swimming pool, men diving & in pool. Young Chinese in soda fountain; in library; art museum. Ext. ornate temple w/ carved lion, college students talking, CU. 12:00:13 Map of China, w/ Japan & graphic of its 1937 attack. People running in street w/ belongings in bundles, carts, car & trucks. Woman carrying child. 12:00:51 Explosions of bombs; refugees. People hiding in caves. Destroyed mud brick buildings; collapsed bridge. People picking thru wreckage. Crowd of people moving thru street by barbed wire barricade. Old woman falls. Crowd of women & children eating rice. 12:02:29 Refugees walking, various locations. Riding train. Leaving passenger train, registering for Cooperatives. Working outside caves (Yenan /Yennan / Yunnan), spinning w/ hand cranked wooden machine for army blankets. Men in long line carrying heavy loads on shoulder poles. Factory, manufacturing guns. Men & women working in cooperative workshops. Loom; women sewing blankets; moving canvas for shipment. Heavily loaded cart. 12:04:43 Packaging & boxing first aid supplies. Red Cross loading truck w/ supplies. Nurses working w/ wounded. Man on crutch w/ injured leg across yard & up stairs to work w/ other wounded weaving nets & bags, other goods for war effort. 12:05:28 Pan over large crowd, VO “The faces of fighting China, good comrades for us to have in this gigantic war we fight in Asia & the Pacific.” Airmen pose & wave. 12:05:41 Gen. Chung Kai Shek leading other military up steps. Street scene of buses & people in Chungking, view from top of hill to river over rooftops. Damaged building from bombs & people moving thru crowded streets. People climbing & descending wide steps. End music clipped short. Travelogue; 1940s; Poverty; Primitive; Chinese Daily Life; Manual Labor; Strength; Poverty; China Daily Life; WWII; Sino-Japanese War; W2

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