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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280002-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1969
Country: USA
TC Begins: 02:14:25
TC Ends: 02:30:25
Duration: 00:16:00
High School Zoom in on old high school. Stills; pan of exterior of school; traffic past & kids talking on sidewalk. Zoom in on sign: Park Closed To Public on School Days. 02:15:24 Still of interior hallway w/ teacher talking to student. Stills of students on street smiling. Blacks watching police cars. 02:16:17 Footage of police in street. Int. of hallway w/ footage & stills. White & Black students behind heavy wire fence. 02:16:58 Intercut stills & footage in classroom. Intercut footage & stills of Vietnam, Africa & elsewhere. Footage of students on street; in class; hallways w/ students & books between classes. Various sports, students at desks, w/ teacher in classroom. Policeman on school yards w/ kids. Kids smoking outside school. 02:19:38 Intercut school board; bored students in class. 02:20:07 Military training intercut w/ students, footage & stills of grade school & high school. Pan over upper class homes (brief). Corporation training w/ cooking classes, welding. Narration talks about fighting among lower classes. 02;22:32 Police in street on foot, horseback & cars parked, driving. People hanging around subway entrance as school breaks up. More stills of kids behind wire fences; prisoners in jail & prison behind bars. 02:24:25 Principal’s office door & sign. Stills; footage policemen w/ batons outside school & blocking door. Police in hallway. Stills & footage of kids outside. 02:26:27 Stills of arresting student. Stills of women students looking angry. 02;27:17 Footage interrior & exteriof of schools; students arguing. High School Free Paper. 02:28:16 Ext of schools, police outsdie; students organizing meeting inside. Student strike banner outside w/ many students, pan across large group. Large mural. 02:29:02 Washington Square Park arch & kids w/ strike banner, demonstrating. MCU footage & stills of various faces. Class System; Capitalism; Organizing; Education Opposition; Tests; 1969; 1960s; 1970s; NOTE: Montage of stills & footage; sound track is interspersed music & kids talking about school. NO MUSIC RIGHTS. MUST CLEAR IF USED. NOTE: Sold on license fee basis.