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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221117-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1950
Country: USA
TC Begins: 06:47:27
TC Ends: 07:00:24
Duration: 00:12:57
How Do You Know It’s Love? Coronet Instructional Films Teenage girl Nora in bedroom at dressing table - gets up to smell flower corsage - soppy music. Flashback to prom night ? that evening w/ boyfriend Jack proclaiming love for her - “You’re the only girl I’ve two months” - Nora says she’ll have to think about it. Mother comes into bedroom - tells Nora “most people fall in love several times in their life” - kisses her goodnight. 06:49:38 Jack in shared bedroom telling older brother Bob about his feelings for Nora - brother gives him lecture: “...and you were really in love with Betty and Mary and Alice and I don’t know who else...” - “ young punks go to the movies a couple of times, do a lilttle necking and you think you’re in love” - suggests Jack & Nora go on double date with him and his girlfriend. 06:51:13 Nora on telephone to Jack re double date. Mother sits her down & goes through photo album to explain how “your capacity for love grows and develops” - CU stills of Nora as a baby being fed, neighbouring kid w/ beloved teddy bear, Nora washing dishes, Nora’s friends, captain of football team who she had a crush on, couple kissing in car at camp. “Mature love is more’s tender, unselfish, co-operative” - mother tells her to ask herself some questions - Nora decides to watch Bob & Jean to see if they have a “mature love”. 06:56:06 Neon restaurant signs; couples seated in Chinese restaurant. Nora watches w/ increasingly worried expression as Bob & Jean discuss their concert series season ticket, agree that the watercress salad “sounds like fun”, and generally behave like a smug ‘perfect couple’. Meanwhile she wonders if she feels at ease w/ Jack or proud of him - he asks her “have you heard the new recording of the Brahms violin concerto?” - “I guess I never learned to appreciate classical music” - awkward silence - Jack orders lamb & won’t try Chinese food with her - “that’s alright if you like that stuff”. Jean asks Nora if she likes kids - Nora changes subject - “here’s the waiter with our soup”. 06:59:22 Jack walks Nora to her door, both agree they’re not ready for “mature love” but can still have fun so arrange to go rollerskating. Good. Romance. Young Love. Teenagers. 1950s Fashions. Funny Dialogue. Parental Advice. Maturity.