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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221191-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964
Country: USA
TC Begins: 05:41:42
TC Ends: 05:55:47
Duration: 00:14:05
Hygiene For Women: Protecting Health Pt. 2 of 2 Color Venereal Disease, VD. Female & male illustrations while talking about syphilis & gonorrhea. Vagina, penis, cervix. Animated cell animation & titles: Crippled woman. Blindness. Insanity. Death. Sterility. Cut-away illustrations of infection. 05:46:43 Diagram of shell around woman & lines bouncing off. Navy technician looking thru microscope & has doctor confirm. Woman in navy uniform gets pills out of dresser, throws them into wastebasket. Sitting talking to doctor, CU note taking. Illustrations. Doctor & nurse in clinic, woman walking along in hospital (?) hallway. CU pan from alarm clock at 3:25 to woman lying awake in bed crying. 05:50:12 Couples dancing to jazz music. Couples walking, slow dancing. Cartoon illustrations of kids & parents. Animation showing several people doing things relating to dating. Hearts, kissing. 05:52:37 Couples dancing & couple drinking at table beside dance floor. CU three guys in dormitory room; looking at pictures of women. Dancing. 05:53:55 Couple walking arm in arm at night past streetlight; necking at night in car. Saying goodnight, walking up sidewalk hand in hand to front door of WAVES barracks. Wave good night. The End. Military Sex Education; Propaganda; Family Values; 1960s; Self Control; Moral Guidance; Dating; Sexual Intercourse; Behaviour; Love; Emotional Desires; Emotions; Petting; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of film sold at per reel rate.