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Go to HomepageReel Number: 930102F
Year / Date: 2014
Country: England,United Kingdom
Location: London
TC Begins: 00:00:00
TC Ends: 00:37:02
Duration: 00:37:02
Sign “National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaign” and “No Human is Illegal” in front of St Margaret’s Church yard, London 00:00:09 Man holding “No to Racism” sign, speaks on megaphone “Blame the Tories and bosses, not the migrants…” Hackney National Union of Teachers (NUT) sign. Socialist representative tries to get people to sign petition. 00:00:29 Crowds and man in wheelchair with “No Human is Illegal” signs gather in front of George V statue. Police officer seen. 00:00:54 Crowd in churchyard with various union signs (RMT, NUT, Equity…). Big Ben tolls in background. 00:01:46 Crowd with communist flags (hammer & sickle) with Houses of Parliament in background. Various signs “Black and White Unite”, “Stand Up to Racism”, “Socialist Workers”, Ecuadorian Flag. 00:02:42 Crowd with Houses of Parliament in background, pan up tower. 00:03:08 Black man holding speaker, dancing and singing to Bob Marley’s “Get Up, Stand Up”. 00:04:19 Protest organiser speaks in microphone and explains the rally’s itinerary, introduces speakers. 00:04:54 Polish representative of Alliance Against Discrimination makes speech: “learn from history… all equal before the law… We expect your respect!” 00:07:24 Representative of the Turkish and Kurdish Communities in North London makes speech: “People all over the world and migrants are being targeted as responsible for the crisis… Scapegoating minorities has become a common theme all over Europe… Fascist Farage… My friends we must be vigilant…” 00:10:20 Representative of the Sikhs Against the English Defence League (EDL) makes speech: “Show the fascists and racists in Europe that there’s no space for them on our streets… Farage (UKIP) racist attitudes… We are people who stand for equality, solidarity…” 00:11:20 Drop-down shot of crowd and signs (Equity, Labour Party), gathering to start march. Music (The Police) in background, more signs and Roma flag. 00:12:14 Drum/percussion band plays, New Communist Party sign in background. 00:14:30 Drop-down shot of crowd (men, women and children) marching, drums in background. Several signs and flags as before and “Nazis Out”. 00:17:21 Crowd marching down Whitehall with Big Ben tower in background. Various angles. 00:19:45 Anti-Fascists with flags on steps on Nelson’s Column. 00:20:06 Crowd getting to Trafalgar Square seen from Nelson’s Column. 00:21:31 Crowd gathers in front of stage setup in Trafalgar Square, with giant screen showing man being interviewed. Huge red and yellow tarpaulin being extended in foreground. 00:21:52 Same angle with screen showing NUT representative making speech from stage: “No racism in our curriculum, no racism in our classrooms… Bob Crow, Tony Benn and Nelson Mandela would have said united we stand, decided we fall… never break a picket line… I have a tshirt saying Hated by the Daily Mail… we stand together for a message of hope”. 00:23:29 Roma representative makes speech: “When we came with the donkeys, they didn’t want us. Now we come in buses and aeroplanes and they still don’t want us… we don’t want assimilation and we are very nervous about integration… Bankrupt bankers’ Britain… poverty jobs link to no life at all… we are here for our own emancipation… today again, neo-fascists are hunting us down… when NATO bombed Serbia, they killed Roma… the young people today are in favour of multicultural Britain, we are not here to fight, we are here to