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Go to HomepageReel Number: 920003-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1979
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 13:29:02
TC Ends: 13:43:11
Duration: 00:14:09
No Nukes Pt. 8 of 8 Rally & stage Battery Park City w/ signs: No Nukes; Phase Out; Shut Down. Jane Fonda, CU, speaking to rally, thanking artists, money to anti-nuclear groups. Crowd cheers. Maggie Kuhn, CU, from Gray Panthers speaks to rally. “ to penetrate society...let the people more nukes!” 13:30:38 Avis Davis & Joy Rider perform “No More Nukes.” Backstage, kids w/ signs. 13:31:27 Ralph Nader addresses rally about new energy era, solar power being able to bipass Enron. 13:32:03 Comments from audience re safe energy, wallking. Pan over rally crowd. 13:32:37 John Hall, Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, Carly Simon, Bonnie Raitt perform “Power”. Pan over crowd, applauding. 13:35:50 Jesse Colin Young w/ Stephen Stills & rest of musicians perform “Get Together” & applauding on stage. CU audience cheering & singing. 13:39:39 Pull back shot from setting sun over Black Hills. Tail credits. Political demonstration; Anti-nuclear; Pop music; Protest songs; Fans; Performances;