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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221672-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1968
Country: Russia,USSR
Location: Arctic,Black Sea,Kola Peninsula,Leningrad / St,Petersburg,Siberia,yamal peninsula
TC Begins: 03:31:30
TC Ends: 03:41:24
Duration: 00:09:54
Northern Lights R4 of 5 University students from far north in dance group, called the Northern Lights - VO re missing home - cutaways to shots of Sami reindeer herders. Graduation celebrations at Hertson Institute ? in Leningrad St. Petersburg - students given medals - nice shots students dancing to pop music showing 1960s fashions & dance moves. 03:33:26 Sami kids on sleighs pulled by reindeer across tundra - VO says kids of northern tribes know more of outside world now. Shots of kids from various parts of northern Russia boarding plane, train & boat bound for Pioneer Camps in south - mothers wave them off. Sami kids taken away by helicopter from tundra. Airplane taking off. 03:35:28 Bugler at Pioneer Camp at Black Sea resort - campers, kids from North on Summer vacation run into sea. Torchlight parade & bonfire on beach. Icy tundra scenes, blowing snow, blizzard - old Sami man on sled pulled by reindeer. Wildlife on tundra in Summer; flowers, CU birds. 03:38:06 Mink farming on Yamal Peninsula, Siberia - woman gives water to mink in cages. Sami? encampment on lakeside - herders rounding up reindeer - herd thunders past - herder wrangling large male w/ huge antlers. 03:40:11 INT Sami tent - three generations of family drinking tea. VO says father is Deputy to USSR Supreme Soviet, representing peoples of Arctic Tundra. Russia / USSR; Travelogues; Ethnography; Extreme Weather; Lapland; Fur Trade; Ethnic; 1968; 1960s;