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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221660-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1953
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:48:56
TC Ends: 05:00:32
Duration: 00:11:36
Office Courtesy - Meeting the Public Encyclopaedia Britannica Films 04:49:20 Secretary / receptionist Ruth in office at typewriter - musical sequence w/ CUs greeting male visitors & talking over telephone w/ big smile - VO “it can be pleasant, like this...or it can be like this”. GOOD 04:49:45 Secretary Barbara: stressed, glaring at people, ECUs men looking cross, banging hand on table. 04:50:09 Barbara arrives home from work dejected; SOF tells roommate Ruth she’s decided to quit her job because clients are rude, inconsiderate. Ruth, happy, thinks meeting new people is fun; runs to kitchen “water’s boiling”. Narrator chides Barbara for her “cold and uncooperative, sometimes even antagonistic” attitude. Ruth remains chirpy as she cooks dinner, but Barbara has made up her mind - “simply not going to stand for it any longer”. 04:52:07 Ruth: “...sit down & rest...what you need is some good hot food in you.” Barbara flicks through magazine, tracking in on her w/ VO thinking about what Ruth has said re clients’ attitude being a reflection of her own - “It isn’t MY attitude that’s wrong, its the people who come into that office; I’m going to look for another job” & she falls asleep. 04:53:06 Dream sequence: CUs high-heeled shoe tapping; fingers drumming. Barbara & Ruth in busy waiting room before job interview watching behaviour of receptionist - important customer arrives for appointment but rejected because of his “shabby” dress: “I doubt he’ll be able to see YOU at all.”; she ignores ringing telephone, then answers rudely & unprofessionally. Rude to another client wanting to see the boss; she dials him then says: “Mr Franklin isn’t in.” “He isn’t?” “I said he ISN’T IN”. 04:55:40 Barbara approaches receptionist to ask if boss really isn’t in; gasps, realizing it’s her - split-screen effect w/ two Barbaras. Ruth shakes her shoulder & she wakes up from dream / nightmare. “Dinner’s ready.” 04:56:18 Barbara tells Ruth she’s resolved to be nicer; Ruth: “I know you’ll find if you’re nice to people they’re usually nice to you too. Now how about some dinner?” 04:56:39 Various scenes of Barbara at work smiling at clients VO “...found that smiles are effective only when they are genuine. She carefully practiced the first basic rule in meeting the public: remembering & using names.” SOF re names, business & introducing clients to boss. MOS interrupts discreetly by passing him a note during meeting. 04:57:35 Barbara typing. VO points out some mistakes: Barbara chews gum; CU swallowing when boss comes out of office; stop herself arguing w/ visitor. Fend off visitor who asks too many questions; gets rid of nuisances wanting appointments. Answers telephone promptly, filling out message note. Realizes “..the importance of neat, simple clothing in the office”. Montage Barbara smiling at visitors; people smiling back because “courtesy begets courtesy”. The End. Manners; Healthy Diet; Etiquette; Social Skills; Employment; Psychology; Dialogue; 1950s Americana; Sexism; Anti-Feminism; Sexism; Gender Roles; Workers; Educational Films; Instructional Films; NOTE: GOOD w/ high production values.