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Percusssion - The Pulse Of Music

Reel Number: 221473-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1950s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 06:01:06

TC Ends: 06:22:30

Duration: 00:21:24

Percussion - The Pulse Of Music Series: Music For Young People Produced by Arts And Audiences Incorporated for National Educational Television And Radio Center w/ The New York Percussion Trio 06:02:18 Pianist David Shapiro introduces percussionists Ronald Gould & Arnold Goldberg to group of young school children on studio set as though in living room. Explains how music is organization of noise. Group divided into 3 groups & clap in varying rhythms. 06:03:45 Shapiro describes instruments: wooden instuments hit, shaken; rattles or maracas, castenets. Chinese temple blocks played. Xylophone played & compared to keys n piano. Play Dance of the Comedians by Russian composer Kavalevsky (sp?) 06:08:10 Describes skin instruments: African Lace Drum from Kenya; ??, Haiti voodoo drums. 06:09:55 Navajo drums of buffalo hide, calf skin & rabbit fur. Metal body timbalis. Snare drum w/ & w/o snare attachment played & explained. Plays roll. Kettle drums or tympanii tuned & played. 06:15:10 Triangle played. Cymbals of various sizes from finger cymbals to orchestra. Gong. Bells. Chimes. 06:16:50 Glockenspiel or bells mounted like xylophone. Doing special effects w/ flutes, whistles, etc. 06:18:10 Introduces Ballet Music of Saint Saens Samson et Delilah. 06:19:09 Involving the kids w/ playing gourds, maracas, conga drum, cowbells, etc. to play a Mamba. Credits: Lee Bobker & Nina Collier. Produced by Dynamic films, Inc. Musical Instructiion; Television Courses; 1950s; Learning; Note: Kids listening intercut throughout.

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