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Reich Inaugurates Self-Government Child Community, ca 01Sep32

Reel Number: 221297-18

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1932

Country: Germany

Location: dresden

TC Begins: 06:49:30

TC Ends: 06:51:16

Duration: 00:01:46

Reich Inaugurates Self-Government Child Community, ca 01Sep32 Title: Editor’s Note: Parents & child-welfare experts all over the world are keenly interested in the new Principle of Individuality which dictates all activities in this notable experiment, conducted by the famous pedagogue Mme. Dr. Haidersbache. 06:49:56 Woman supervising half-dozen children (girls) in baking as they work w/ dough; boys drilling outdoors in pseudo-fire brigade hats & short pants as other children & adults watch. Military-like. Climb ladder. Woman directing them as they drive pedaled or motorized firetrucks. 06:50:50 Children’s harmonica band playing in large group. Pre-Nazi German Youth Indoctrination; Oddities; Music; Education;

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