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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221374-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: USA
TC Begins: 14:05:39
TC Ends: 14:08:12
Duration: 00:02:33
Shine w/ Bob Howard Prod. & Dir. by Wiliam Forest Crouch Filmcraft Prod. 1044-3-39 Prod. & Dir. by Wiliam Forest Crouch SOUNDIES ARE PD. MUSIC RIGHTS MUST BE CLEARED! Radio studio station broadcast set w/ audience & piano player (Art Tatum-like) w/ four-ppiece backup group of trumpet, drums, sax & clarinet. Mugs for camera. CU of woman smiling, piano player. Bald headed engineer in control booth swinging to the music rubs hand over bald head. Musical Number; Race; Blacks; Jazz band performance; Quintet;