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Spanish Earth, The Reel 2 of 6

Reel Number: 221110-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1937

Country: Spain

Location: Fuentedueña,Madrid

TC Begins: 21:07:51

TC Ends: 21:17:22

Duration: 00:09:31

The Spanish Earth Reel 2 of 6 Produced & directed by Joris Ivens / Co-written & Narrated by Ernest Hemingway Map showing the village's position near the main highway from Madrid to Valencia. Republican soldiers walking across countryside to front line - preparing weapons & ammunition - firing heard - loading shells & firing heavy guns - officers look through binoculars. Map shows front line 25 miles away from Fuentedueña. Front line outside Madrid, shells landing in distance. Men digging trenches, reinforced using doors of bombed houses. 21:12:00 Republican troops eating, reading, getting shave & haircuts. Loudspeaker van of People's Army driving out gates of Madrid - record put on turntable - men listening to music - new recruits given rifle instruction. Map of Madrid, showing University City taken by Rebel forces. Battle for the clinic in the University City; Commander Martinez de Aragón seen talking with officers; various shots of sniper activity - target building seen through gun slits, gunfire. Young soldier writes home. Spanish Civil War. Anti-Fascism.