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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221452-11
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: USA
Location: air force academy,Colorado,Colorado Springs
TC Begins: 08:39:58
TC Ends: 08:43:32
Duration: 00:03:34
Montage of Special Olympics participants & spectators: man & woman running with Olympic Torch, balloon release, MCU children running race; Air Force personnel watching; retarded, disadvantaged children, cadets. James Taylor (”Your Smiling Face”) on track. Olympics for IQ of 75 or less. Parents & children hugging. Each student paired w/ cadet volunteer. Shots of children w/ cadets, family, etc. Medals, winners. 08:42:43 SOF Mrs. Eunice Kennedy Shriver addressing children & cadets on behalf of the Special Olympics. Volunteerism; Handicapped; NOTE: Music must be cleared.