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Stealing a Dinner

Reel Number: 220574-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1899

Country: USA

Location: Roof studio

TC Begins: 03:01:40

TC Ends: 03:02:30

Duration: 00:00:50

Stealing a Dinner On stage a man w/ napkin tied to his neck sits at a table eating, surrounded by many sitting dogs of various sizes. Man leaves, dog leaps onto table as others sit, then off again. Cat onto table, man returns pulls pistol but dog onto table & blocks man. Man pulls dog off, fires pistol. Large dog in policeman’s outfit stands on hind legs & pushes man around & off as all dogs follow. Comic animal act; Trained Animals in fancy dress; Musical Hall Acts; Vaudeville Acts; Entertainment; Primitive Cinema

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