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Go to HomepageReel Number: 280006-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1967
Country: USA
Location: Mississippi
TC Begins: 02:12:03
TC Ends: 02:24:48
Duration: 00:12:45
Strike City Pt. 2 of 3 Close blowing in wind; tent canvas flapping; ppeople walking outside tents; cement truck leaving. Kids playing. Boys pump water w/ hand-pump into buckets & carry to tent. Woman mopping inside of tent; pregnant woman watching. 02:14:09 Men finishing concrete floor w/ motorized paddle. Men walking & talking on floor; men laying concrete block walls; cutting blocks; shoveling concrete. Framing doorways, interior stud walls raised & nailed in place. Kids play on floor w/ blocks. 02:16:34 Men pick up tools & walk to tents. Women sweeping new building; kids play, dance & sing folk songs. Playing games. 02:18:13 Men talking, woman & child; kids play basketball, swing under large old tree. Lighting new stove w/ newspaper from wooden stove. Family eating around table. 02:19:20 Men playing cards. CU smoking, dealing cards. Boy reading book beside table; kids in bed. Folks dancing, clapping. Faces laughing. 02:21:07 Man in chair, family in bed. VO talking about why they went on strike. POV from car past sharecropper shacks. View of large plantation fields as man tells other workers about Strke City meeting. 02:22:31 Man speaking to meeting in new large room, blackboard; faces of listeners. VO about money not coming fast enough from Washington. CU clapping & singing. Poverty; Plantation System; Slavery; 1960s; 1967; Unemployment; Construction; Farmworkers; Note: No music rights to radio music. Must be cleared if used.