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Go to HomepageReel Number: 920005-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1932
Country: Afghanistan,India
Location: Kabul,udaipur
TC Begins: 14:20:02
TC Ends: 14:29:56
Duration: 00:09:54
Twice Upon a Caravan by Robert Fulton, Jr. Pt . 1C of 2 VS streets of Udaipur w/ basket factories, market; outdoor barbershop, messengers; camel carrying load, temples & holy cows. Boat on waterfront. Women doing laundry by banks of lake or river; man beating clothes; man brushing his teeth. 14:21:01 Beautiful white marble palaces. Fountains, courtyards. Views across lake to another palace. Fulton & bike on washed out road. Pulling bike out of rut. Astronomical observatory. Fulton on skis in Himilayas. Mountain Lake. VS Fulton skiing. Fulton riding bike into Lahore. Cannon in central square. Bike resting next to road sign for Multan. Long pontoon bridge across Indus River. Mountain views. Guards on look out on hilltop. 14:22:58 Map of India bike journey going north towards Afghanistan. Soldiers on hill outposts. Military encampment w/ tents. Soldiers firing arrows at target building. Zeri tower compounds. VS mountain views. 14:24;12 Men making music; tribal Sword dance. Fulton heads towards eastern end of Khyber Pass. View of Khyber Pass. Enters Afghanistan. Mountain views. Camels against rocky mountains. 14:26:15 Camel Caravans against snowy mountain views. Camel drivers pose for picture. South of Kabul views of two monuments to Mokhmud. Ancient walls of city. People on street. Domed dwellings. Fixing flat tire. Bike stuck in mud during rainy season. 14:28:25 Afghans smoking hookah, hubble bubble / water pipe. Filling water from mud puddles. Farming w/ oxen on barren land. Migrating people with goats, donkeys, camels, etc. VS of Kabul, camels, pedestrians, no motor traffic. Views of mosques. Camel caravans. NOTE: Abrupt end. Adventurer; Explorer; Exploration; Traveler; Europe 1930s; 1932; Oddities; Architecture; NOTE: License fee apply, request rate.