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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220949-15
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942
Country: USA
TC Begins: 21:12:45
TC Ends: 21:15:35
Duration: 00:02:50
Unid. w/o title: Song - Eleven-Thirty Saturday Night w/ Jo Stafford & Pied Pipers (?) w/ Charlie Spivak Big Band SOUNDIES ARE PD. MUSIC RIGHTS MUST BE CLEARED! Official Films Orchestra appears one by one in circle around large clockface on floor of studio - silhouettes on wall. Charlie Spivak conducting. Three men and one woman stand in middle of clockface and sing as musicians circle them. Couple dance in silhouette then come into view - Teddy Boy w/ girl in ra-ra skirt - jitterbugging. Tacky / kitsch. Oddities. Flipped as per original?