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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220563-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 10:21:14
TC Ends: 10:33:09
Duration: 00:11:55
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1943, Homefront, USA: Electrical Transcription Manufacturers & American Federation of Music Meeting Before War Labor Board SOF. MLS members of panel R to L: Gilbert E. Fuller Representing the Industry; Arthur S. Meyer, Chairman for Public & conducting hearing; Max Zaritsky w/ Labor Attorney for Industry, speaking. LS members of panel L. to R. James C. Petrillo, Pres. of A.F. of Music; James A. Padway, Washington attorney speaking; Henry A. Friedman, NY Attorney; Harry J. Steeper, Ass't to President. 10:22:23 MS Petrillo, Friedman (speaking), Padway. MS of panel w/ Meyer talking about negotiations. 10:23:40 MCU Petrillo standing, speaking of symphony orchestras being tied up by Columbia & RCA...for a period of 7 to 10 years... 10:24:42 MLS seated Petrillo, Padway & Friedman w/ Petrillo smoking. Padway speaking off camera. 10:25:37 MCU Petrillo looking at papers. ?? speaking off camera. 10:26:00 MS Arthur Mayer listening. (voice speaking off camera). 10:26:39 MLS Padway speaking & gesturing. 10:26:42 Bulletin Board w/ announcement of meeting of National War Labor Board, 29Sep43. 10:27:03 Hanging sign: NY State Labor Relations Board, N.YM. State Board of Mediation. 10:27:06 CU Down Beat Magazine; opened to headline: Petrillo Lifts Ban on Discs, w/ his picture. Decca first to sign, others to follow. 10:28:00 CU headline: Labor Board Weighs “Canned” Music Fight. Decca Signs Up With Petrillo For Four Years. 10:28:16 Slug. 10:28:17 Music War Committee seated around conference table discussing music, Fred Ahlert: “Ladies & Gentlemen, now we are prepared to hear any new war songs written by members of this committee. Remember we are here to find songs that will help win the war. Which of you boys, or girls, will volunteer first?”. 10:29:17 Bob Sour singing West of Tomorrow & Ray Henderson playing piano. 10:30:18 CU Fred Ahlert repeating statement. MS Sour & Henderson. Several takes from various angles. Reaction shots from guys at table. Playing & singing repeats. 10:32:46 CU of sheet music for West of Tomorrow. 10:32:58 CU plaque for Victor Herbert 1859-1924...a gift to ASCAP from...WW2; 1940s; Troop Entertainment; WW2 Recordings; Records; Popular Music; Propaganda; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: